Blog: For LEOS


There’s a mysterious force in all of us that transforms modest people into improbable heroes: A stranger who saves a child from a burning house. A best friend who donates his kidney. A single parent working 2 jobs to provide for his/her children. 

The word courage comes from the French root ‘coeur’, which means heart. So, courage has to do with the heart, that vital muscle that keeps our blood flowing and sustains life. 

So where does courage come from? 

Despite millions of cultures interpreting what defines courage. One of my favorite definitions is from the Tao Te Ching which describes courage with these 4 characters: 

慈 Loving

故 Causes

能 Ability

勇 Brave

These are the four characters that define courage to its full extent. Courage is love that causes the ability to become brave. It ignites a fire within us to accomplish unbelievable things. We see this in nature, a lioness who protects her cubs against a much larger male lion. A gazelle sacrificing itself to some hungry cheetahs only to bide enough time for her calves to escape safely. We see it in our day-to-day lives, our parents, family members, and friends. Sometimes we aren’t given a choice and we all know what failure means, it often means we go hungry, or worse, it means we go through regret. 

Sometimes it is the courage to love ourselves, to look in the mirror and fall in love all over again with what’s there, what’s been given to you for better or for worse. Courage takes pride, to believe when no one else does. It’s not a measurement of physical strength.

After all, the lion only roars if it has to; it does not boast or look to fight. Only when his pride is on the line, will the lion die in battle. This is why the lion symbolizes courage because courage comes from the heart.



Every Leo is a king or queen, even if its not apparent. A Leo's demeanor is one that captivates the rest of the zodiac's attention. It's no surprise after all, Leos carry the brightness of the sun. Their fiery sign ignites their confidence that elicits such a magnetic personality. Leos are ruled by the fifth house on the zodiac which symbolizes for stage/performance, games, youth/children. Though this is more evident on Leo women; the grandiose appearance that EVERY LEO queen deep down inside knows being  a queen, a mother, and an actress-like personality is the blood line of her identity. 

One of the biggest attributes as to why Leos are labeled as royalty Could be the importance of being treated like they truly deserve. A queen or king! Trust us on this one try ignoring a LEO and see how that works out for ya! Being Ignored is like persecution for a LEO, not valuing their opinion is just as deadly. 

Leos ferociously DEMAND that they be heard. Just like the Lion when he marks his territory with his scent followed by a THUNDEROUS ROAR warning all who dares step into his lore will be met with certain death; But there is an upside, if their needs are quenched (no easy feat. trust us) you will receive more than double whatever you give. Their natural instinct to lead will spike and do everything they can for you to be happy.

Just as any ruling leader good or bad values loyalty overall. This why LEOS are predominantly perceived to be a popular sign, once they commit to someone or something, they commit even often for a lifetime. Just like the nature of the lioness and their blood-line they are the only wild cats to stay with their family for a lifetime. Unity is essential for them. With their strong and steady noble codes being explained and their misunderstood 'demanding needs' it is no wonder why the  lions are in fact kings and queens of the zodiac. 



Like several constellations Leo is based on the adventures of Hercules, a Greek mythological hero and son of Zeus. After being driven insane by his step mother the divine hero killed his six sons in a blind rage. When he recovered from his temporary madness Hercules seeked to atone for his actions by serving a penance for his crimes. Eventually Hercules ended up in the control of King Eurystheus who set him a series of labors. 

The first of these labors was to kill a lion that had been terrorizing the city of Nemea. Unknown to Hercules the lion had a coat of golden fur which arrows and swords were unable to penetrate. On his first visit to the lion’s lair Hercules discovered that his arrows simply bounced of the beast. Resulting Hercules to retreat. 

On his second visit Hercules blocked off one of the two entrances to the lair and entered armed with a large club, Hercules wrestled with the big lion being continually clawed by his mighty swipe. The lion jumps, Hercules ducks under and hits the lion with his club before landing on his feet. The lion falls to the ground, Hercules traps the lion and manages to choke the beast to death. He used the lion’s claws to cut off its pelt, and then wore the pelt as a cloak. The cloak both protected Hercules and made him appear even more fearsome. 

This made the lion a worthy animal among the Greek gods. Naming the lion "the king of beast" as he was granted immortality staying with the stars, or as you and I call it the Constellation of Leo.  



Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and is within the element of fire. Leo is ruled by the Sun -- the center of the universe and the fuel for our being. In much the same way, Leos consider themselves indispensable and the center of the universe, and those who would tell them otherwise had better look out! Lions are outgoing, self-assured and have a tremendous zest for life. So what if the world revolves around them? There are worse role models, for sure. 

The Lion's enthusiasm is boundless, and along with that comes generosity of spirit and the determination to succeed. That focus may be construed as vanity and even bossiness at times, but Lions would say 'No way!' and continue along their regal path. Regardless of appearance, those born under this sign can be counted on for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are also decisive, intensely proud and wonderfully romantic.